European Digital Innovation Hub PRIDE

PRIDE will offer services capable of supporting and accelerating the digital transformation of the region’s economy and industry in Campania, allowing businesses, citizens and public administrations to benefit from its advantages. PRIDE aims at addressing these challenges:1) Create the Regional Supply Chain of Digital Services according to a Hub and Spoke model 2) Accelerate the digital transition of strategic regional production systems through an offer at discounted prices (indirect incentives) of qualified and differentiated services to support SMEs and PA investments in cutting-edge 4.0 technologies and by improving access to innovative financial instruments 3) Support human capital qualification processes towards the development of advanced digital skills 4) Promote a Sustainable digitalization by building Digital Communities in synergies with European, national and regional policy on digitization and 4.0 technologies including S3. This will be achieved by a) activating the critical mass of skills and instrumental resources capable of generating a flexible and modular service platform through consortium partners (CAMPANIA DIH, MEDITECH,CERICT,DIITET-CNR ) and b) implementing a 36-month workplan encompassing 5 work packages: the first transversal to ensure the coordination and monitoring of activities and the others functionalized to achieve specific competing objectives to implement PRIDE’s mission: that is to support the DX of the SMEs and PAs in the Campania Region by promoting the use of solutions based on ADTs, also in combination with KETS. It is estimated that 350 SMEs and 10 PAs will benefit from PRIDE's services which will foster processes of environmental sustainability and social inclusion.